Sunday, June 6, 2010

Going totally (almost) carb-less...hopefully

So. We've all heard about Atkins, the no-carb diet. And we all know how NOT into these all-or-nothing things I am (which is funny, because I am a very black/white person...whatever). With that said....

My trainer and I have been discussing carbs a lot and he knows my feelings towards totally cutting something out of my diet. He is graduating with a degree in Kinesiology next week and we have good discussions between my gasping for breath during our workouts. As a pre-graduation gift, he received a book about eating for your blood type. Yes, I said that right. A book about eating right for your blood type. I'm talking A, B, AB and O. The positive/negative doesn't matter in this situation. Apparently, my O+ type needs a moderate amount of exercise in addition to a limited (read: scant) amount of carbs. Hmmmmm. This isn't good. Although, given the past few months, I'm inclined to believe it.

Today is my last day on carbs (for the week). Well, carbs as I know them. Most things have carbs but I'm talking bread and pasta. I had artichoke chicken sans pasta tonight for dinner. Fortunately this week will be mostly easy, I think, because I'm in meetings Monday through Wednesday. I can make breakfast at home, eat lunch there or bring it and then be good and sensible for dinner. It will also be interesting because I don't think I eat a lot of carbs in general, but I'm sure now that I'm being more conscious of them, I will realize how much I really eat.

I'm curious as to see how my body reacts to the decrease in carbohydrates. I guess I should put off my interval running for a week so I can determine each result individually. Notice the power of positive thinking? "So I CAN determine each result individually"? I have to believe the decrease in carb intake will affect my body in positive ways and I have to think my interval running will affect my body in positive ways. Just like the Little Engine that Could...I think I can, I think I can. I know I can, I know I can.

More to some bread for me. :)

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