Monday, July 11, 2011

Reality Check

So last week I was spot-on with my tracking. I measured, portioned, counted and weighed almost every single thing I ate. Convinced I was going to lose weight last week, I entered the meeting confidently. Only to find I was up 2 pounds. Really? Are you kidding me? I was so disappointed. That's putting it mildly. I tuned the meeting out after that. I was discouraged and unmotivated.

I know the body will do what the body will do. I know that it's about the journey and not about the destination. I know that it's more than what the scale says. I know all these things. It doesn't make it easier.

How do you maintain motivation? How do you pick up and continue when you don't see results? I know the answers to these questions too, so I'm just throwing them out there. Seeing what you think. What works for you? What doesn't work?

Good luck. Keep going. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" ~Lao-tzu

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


When you think of dieting, what is the one consistent theme? Regardless of the plan or program, research or science, portion control is always near the top of weight loss strategies. Plates have gotten larger over the past 50 years and so we've continued to fill our plate when eating dinner. This has only added to the excess calorie intake.

WW meetings are so helpful because you get to hear all the tricks and tips that other people have learned. Sometimes I use them, sometimes I don't. One of the best ones is around Thanksgiving, they hand everyone a paper plate and you get to draw on your plate the foods you anticipate eating. My plate is always filled with special Thanksgiving foods that I only get once or twice a year. Am I really going to waste space on carrots? I get carrots all the time. Grandmas rolls on the other hand....! I always save space for those!

It comes down to portions and choices. I'm choosing the roll over the carrots. Yes, carrots are the better option, right? But, I only get the rolls once or twice a year so they win!

In the past week I've been very conscious of my portions. Measuring, weighing, counting. I love food so much that I will eat 2 or 3 portions rather than one, so I have to portion it out correctly. My coffee in the morning gets FF creamer but the serving size is one tablespoon. Not 3. I keep the tablespoon and the 1/2 cup measuring cup handy each morning. Since I'm using them for the same things (creamer, oats and soy milk), I just rinse and let it air dry and they're ready for the next morning. It sounds so OCD and Type A, but really, I have to do this. If I don't, my 1 Tb, becomes 3 and my 1/2 cup becomes 1 1/4 cups. I also feel more empowered. I know exactly how many Points+ I'm consuming. For this OCD, Type A girl, the control over my food and me is what I need to stay on track.