Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Moving day!

Today is moving day. I'm leaving my home of almost 2 years and packing up for the unknown, uncharted territory of ......the desert. Ta-da! What it really boils down to is that I'm having to go through everything I've accumulated in the past 22 months and either pack it, toss it or donate it. I very much dislike doing these things. I've found I'm much better if I just pack it all up and then when I'm unpacking it, I decide it's fate. But really, at that point, I've packed it and moved it and am then going to throw it out?! That doesn't make sense, but I've done it.

I have a food cupboard here with some things that will come with me, but mostly, I'm ready to start over with new stuff. I'm excited to go shopping and to start cooking again. I've gotten so lazy in the past few months and I believe I'm paying the price. Soreness, lethargy, lack of motivation. All symptoms that can be traced to diet and exercise. A few years ago, when I ran the Bay to Breakers, I was really focused on food as fuel for my body. What I put in it, I would expect certain things from it. Lately, more garbage in and definitely garbage out.

There are so many factors that play into general wellness (which is where I strive to be). Diet, sleep, hydration, exercise, community, sense of purpose, faith. I believe when these get off kilter, you see other areas of your life suffer. It's especially true in my life. Like I've said before, I have a tendency to throw myself down the stairs if I've slipped down a few. Where's the logic in that? It's something I've worked on and need to be reminded of weekly...almost daily, but not quite. So you slip up one day by staying up too late, sleeping in too late, rushing out the door without breakfast and then scarfing half a muffin three hours later. Lunch and dinner and tomorrow can be different. I didn't do that, btw. :)

Bring on the new zip code, new grocery stores and new bike paths! I would also like to take this opportunity to point out that moving or simply a 'major cleaning' is a good time to purge your cupboards of outdated food, foods you won't ever eat or the semi-squished can of beans that has fallen and you can't quite reach it but now that everything is empty, you realize that the can has expanded and may not be appropriate for human consumption. Toss it. Start over. Clean, newly filled cupboards and a game plan for how to move forward. You're set!

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