Yesterday I had a cookie.
Today I had an enchilada.
In the family of bread and pasta, those are the only two carbs I've had and of course, all I can think about now is how badly I want that darn cookie or granola bar! Coming from someone who didn't think she consumed a lot of carbs, I'm seeing just how many I did consume and what part they played in my diet.
I've had more fruits and veggies in the past two days and also more fat, I feel like. Because I've been in meetings for the past two days, I'm at their mercy for lunch. Yesterday I ate the toppings off of my pizza. Yes, that's right. I didn't even eat the pizza bread! I scrapped the toppings off! Who does that? And today, I had an extra amount of re-fried beans because I couldn't have another enchilada. Both days have been filled with salad and fruit. No bagels, muffins, toast or pizza crusts.
How am I feeling? Hungry. I'm sure it's more of a state of mind than an actual physical need. Telling your body you can't have something is a sure-fire way to get it to crave that thing! I'm not saying no to ALL carbs....just 99% of them! So far, so good. Also, I need to hit up the gym later today or tomorrow morning and run a bit. Just to get things stirred up, you know?
And finally. It has been brought to my attention that my mother is planning on participating in a 5k. Woo-hoo!! I have offered to do it with her as it will keep me motivated to run towards something (literally and figuratively). Don't we all need goals like that? I am so goal oriented/driven. Type A. I know.
Words of wisdom for today: Get a goal. Try to go carb-less (mostly. Well, at least for a little bit). Stay healthy so you don't have to come to the hospital.