Saturday, February 20, 2010

Grab a shovel

One of my very wise friends gave me a metaphor the other day that I've been able to apply to various aspects of my life: "Slipping into a hole is easy and sometimes fun, but digging yourself out is hard and takes a lot of work".

I've applied this to weight loss and in my personal life. Both areas I've slipped and fallen deeper into a hole and while I may not have hit rock bottom, I'm far enough down that I don't want to slip farther into the unknown abyss.

So, what's the plan? How do you start to dig your way out? How do you maintain your trajectory and not lose momentum? How do you not become discouraged? If you find out, let me know! There are a few things I've learned and most of which, I need to be reminded of daily and sometimes, hourly.

Have a plan. Make realistic goals. Recognize your accomplishments, no matter how small. If you make a mistake, it's not the end of the world. You may backslide a little bit but you haven't slipped all the way back down. Make small changes daily. Persevere.

Like I said, I have to be reminded of these things daily. It's been very hard for me to not let the negative talk seep into my thoughts. I have a mantra I've been trying to recite every day since January 1st. I have to say it out loud and throughout the day, just to remind myself that it's worth it and so am I. It sounds silly, but it does help. Even when I'm running (which I hate to do), I keep saying "You can do it, you're doing it, just a little bit farther, push a little harder".

I think part of it is just bucking up and dealing with it. My dad always says that you need to feel the emotion, cry, yell, do whatever you need to do. And then move on. Don't dwell on it. Experience it, feel it, move beyond it. Sometimes I have to stop, take a deep breath, remember this and do it.

So, buck up. Tell yourself you can do it and DO IT. Make the right decisions and DO IT. You can do it. I can do it. Dig yourself out of the hole and don't look back.

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