That all being said, I've tried to incorporate more activity into my vacations.
In New Hampshire this past Fall, we went apple picking and I walked a little farther up the hill than I normally would've. When my BFF came out to CA for Thanksgiving, instead of sitting in a coffee shop and gabbing, we got our joe-to-go and strolled the streets. I'm leaving on Thursday for a long weekend in the South and am already planning on taking a couple runs and trying to stay active. You have to plan ahead and be deliberate (and by 'you', I really mean 'me'). That's step 1.

Step 2. Food. I've really tried to only eat foods that I've never had before, are specific to the locale or are the most-amazing-at-this-place kind of thing. For example, my friends in
New Hampshire make amazing home-made Mac N Cheese. I rarely cook Mac N Cheese and even more rarely see them, so it was mandatory to eat their one-of-a-kind Mac N Cheese. I also feel obligated to try food that the place is known for; cheesecake in NY (even though I don't even like cheesecake!), deep-dish pizza in Chicago, cheese steaks in Philly, falafel in Israel, beer in Germany....you get the idea. I'm not going to waste my time on pizza in Mexico or Israel, but bring on the deconstructed enchilada casserole in Mexico! I suppose part of this logic is that I know I will only get the Hall's Mac N Cheese when I'm in NH, so I look forward to sharing that with them. When you connect a food/drink to an event or place, there are special memories that you create and isn't that part of what holiday celebrations are about? Elizabeth has a certain home-made snack mix only on New Years. She enjoys it that one day and looks forward to it and that, makes it special.

Step 3. Have a plan. I have to plan ahead. Don't get too hungry, take a few extra steps, make me-time, make the most of moderation. I suppose my trip this weekend may include some good 'ol Southern faire and I know beer is on it's way, but I'm also anticipating running. Must run. Or at least walk. :) Either way, I'll have a good time, be in good company and will get my butt in gear.
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