Monday, September 7, 2009

We receive Cooking Light and WW magazines. It's like Christmas morning when they arrive! I grab my stickie post-it tabs and settle in, ready to start the salivating process!

These magazines have broadened our horizons and palates in amazing ways! I like both magazines for different reasons: WW gives NI and Points right there, but sometimes the portions are too small or the tastes just aren't quite there. Cooking Light gives NI as well, no Points, but you can figure it out. Their downfall is the Points value may be too high but their flavor is really good. We also have several WW cookbooks that we use. Between the magazines, cookbooks and our old faithfuls, we're set!

Like I said a few weeks ago, during this process, your taste buds may change. WW came out with a great Mac N Cheese recipe that we're in love with! My mom made it last week with lackluster results, but she had some extra help that may have negatively contributed to the Mac N Cheese outcome. I no longer crave the emptier 1/4 cup calories of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. Instead, I can have a FULL cup (!) of WW Mac N Cheese!

Don't start the taste changes immediately. Try them gradually. One recipe a week. . .one new product a week. . . one day at a time.

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