Thursday, September 24, 2009


I know I'm the only person in the world who struggles with stress eating. I know no one understands my plight and I'm alone..... right. Needless to say, I'm not the only one. I wasn't the first and I certainly won't be the last. I'm not sure where in my life food became connected to emotion. Happy, sad, lonely, ecstatic, depressed, overjoyed, angry, hurt, I missing any? :) If it can be felt, I have eaten because of it.

But what did it get me? More sadness, more loneliness, more depression, more hurt, more get the picture. It was a sad downward spiral. Finally one day, I had had enough. It wasn't so much that I was ready to get my life on track, rather, I didn't want it to go where I was leading it. So I changed. That's the right mental place to be.

This past year has been racked with nursing school, long hours at the hospital, stressful exams, late nights studying, post-test celebrations, failed dating relationships (I know, I know, I shouldn't be dating during nursing school, but hello? I needed to have some fun too!), super-stressful boards and finally, celebrating the reward I've worked so hard for. RN. From the beginning of last year, I'm at the same weight. Yes, it's fluctuated a bit all year, up no more than 15 and down no more than 10. So basically, I've kept it within 25 lbs. Which sounds like a lot and it is, don't get me wrong, but I've maintained to a certain extent, too. That's what I have to keep telling myself. I didn't gain it all back.

Goals work well for me. I need to have something to work towards. I've talked about that before. In the past it was the Bay to Breakers race or the Triathlon. Now, it's changing a bit. I'm visiting a friend out of state in a few weeks. While I don't have to run across the country, it's a trip I'm looking forward to and a manageable goal. After that, I have a small race in April, then Bay to Breakers again in May and then who knows what? I can work that out. When I have a goal in mind, I'm less likely to stress-eat. I'm more focused. More driven. Aren't we all that way though? When you have a goal in mind and set yourself to it, you can't be moved.

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