Can you tell I've been on a food-movie kick lately? :) I'm watching this movie as I type and I had to pause it because this woman just said, "The raising of chickens now is totally different now than back when I was growing up". Ok, keep going. "The type of feed that was given to them, they didn't grow as fast". Ok, she's right. Keep going. Her husband pipes in with, "We're controlling the air temperature, the type of litter they're on", ok...and then she chimes back in with, "I don't believe there's anything unhealthy in these chickens just because they grow as fast as they do, I just think these chickens are genetically bred to do this. It's not steroids, they just eat. They're comfortable so they eat". Then her husband comes back with, "It's good, quality feed, but I don't know what's in it".
Alrighty then. I pray she's not as ignorant as she just came across.
For the past two weeks I have led a pretty vegetarian/vegan diet. Nuts, fruit, veggies, hummus, lentils, water, oatmeal. Very little to no animal product. I gave up beef for Lent, so yesterday was the day to break my fast. I hadn't intended to eat beef yesterday, however, instead of ham, my BF's mom had tri-tip. I love me some tri-tip but I was a bit hesitant. I had just succeeded in not consuming beef in 40+ days, did I need to eat it? Was it worth it? What was my real rationale for giving it up originally? Let me answer that last one. I gave it up to see if I could. Plain and simple. However, over the past 6 weeks or so, I began to realize how much beef I did eat and how it made me feel. Don't get me wrong, I love the taste and flavor, but it wasn't providing me with much beyond that. I was still alive after 40 days with no beef. I didn't need it to survive. So, I broke my fast. and I paid the price. I also was more relaxed on what I ate yesterday and I felt horrible last night. I woke up gagging after I almost aspirated on some acid reflux. This has not happened in months. And I attribute it to diet. So, today, I am back to low-to-no animal product.
I feel like I need to humble myself for some reason. I am not a PETA supporter, nor am I pro-slaughter. I believe God gave us dominion over animals, but the way we do this in America, is not conducive to what I believe God planned. Maybe going back to a biblical diet isn't such a bad idea, after all.
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