Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sick exercise

The BF was really sick a few weeks ago and of course, it came about 3 weeks into his consistent gym workouts. This was a major wrench in his program. I was sick with a 24 hour bug this past week, and it fell on my Couch-to-5k run day. Of course. This sparked a good convo with the bf:

When you're sick, should you maintain your normal workout regimen?

I'm sure you've heard of people who run every day and haven't missed a day in 5 years. I heard of one woman who only missed 3 days in 5 years and those were the days she was giving birth. What the heck?!

I am not one of those people.

Not that I look for excuses, but I am a firm believer that the body needs rest. However, if I was the birth-runner lady, that amount of physical activity is normal for me and my body is used to running every day. In this instance, I do believe she should maintain her running. For all I know, she only ran for 5 minutes a day while she was pregnant (although, probably not).

In the case of the bf, he was just starting his work-outs and therefore, taking a day or two (or week) off, wasn't the worst thing for him. Once he builds up, I think he will miss his walks and work-outs. I miss my work-outs when I'm sick. Although, I did not miss my run yesterday. I could barely walk and think. I needed the time off.

Do you work-out when you're sick? Does the intensity vary? I'm really curious about this.

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